Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ?

Funny, I know a man who prays in Jesus's name with groups and even goes to church, yet he says he doe not believe the Bible, or that Jesus was really raised from the dead. And while he prays and goes to church he also swears under his breath when he is frustrated with something, uttering Jesus' name and title (Christ) with a sort of strange contempt, almost as if he is blaming Jesus for the situation he is in with his swearing.

I don't know. Maybe he is (perhaps even subconsciously) asking Him for help? Even if that is the case, it is a little aggravating to see his unbelief and his religion at the same time, a little like freshwater and salt water coming from the same source. Seeing it did, however, make me consider the spiritual battle that we are engaged in as we go through life and realize the importance of prayer for and ministry to the people we know, many who are in this kind of battle for their heart mind and soul. I was also thoughtful about God's faithfulness to us as he works in each of our lives to bring us to the knowledge of himself. God will work in us and through us, especially as we are willing to submit to him. What's more, it became apparent that even in our unbelief, God will never leave us nor forsake us; it is us who reject him.

This here friend of mine, a person raised Catholic, told me the other day that he thinks I am brainwashed by this Christian religion, and was asking just how it is that people like me get brainwashed to believe the things they do. (He actually blamed the armed services for it, relating it to people he knew who had been in the armed forces... I thought this interesting as they are those who face the reality of death in the line of duty.) My friend also asserted to me, that when a person died, they just die. Their life is over. Hell and heaven he believes are some story made up and used to control the minds of others.

Later that same day, this same man joined hands with me in prayer around a table, thanking God for the food. Is he simply respectful or others? Is he thoughtful about God? Is he an atheist or not? Is he simply agnostic? It is hard to tell. I think, "at least, he is open to the idea of God, faith...Jesus. There is something inside this man which does not ompletely reject the notion, or reality of God. For that, I am thankful.

In the course of this conversation that morning, I simply told him that what I believed as a Christian, one who believed in Jesus, the way he is presented to the world in the Bible, was the same as most of the very basic things he learned in his catechism as a Catholic. I know this, because I learned them too. You know, the life of Christ, the fact that he was a real person, preformed many miracles and healing of people, and who was crucified under Pontius Pilot, and risen from the dead.

He sighed in disbelief at that and said it didn't happen.

"What?" I said astonished (once again) that people who would tell you they were "catholic," did not believe JEsus was risen from the dead.
"Of course he did! Look at history..." I also replied, "When Jesus died and rose again it turned the whole thinking human world upside down. And if you really think about it, and look back through history you will see that there are a lot of good and logical reason to believe this thing is true. It greatly affected human history and it's documented in the Bible. Not only that," I asked, "Isn't that what catholics believe?"

He was thoughtful then he began to ask me a lot of really good questions. One was, "How can God be everywhere at once?" "What about those money hungry preachers on TV?" He said, "Who can believe that stuff???" Apparently he had caught a few TV preachers, maybe even Benny Hinn. He said, "What about these people who touch other people and they fall down because they get touched and supposedly this is how the Holy Spirit treats them?" and, "how is it that these religious people... who believe in God.... do terrible sexual things with children?"

He ended his thoughtfulness saying he believed that when you die, you simply die and (poof!) your life is over. No heaven, no hell, just gone.

"Atheist." I thought. "Disbelief." But then, it's not uncommon for a man or woman to struggle with belief and unbelief every now and then. We do live in a dark, dying world. What hope is there for the unregenerate soul in a dark,dying world full of death and destruction, particularly someone who built caskets for living for a while?

I know this guy. He is my friend.

Like most people I know, he is a nice guy, most of the time. I find it hard to think he believes that life is something we just happen to survive though, (if we are lucky) and then, with no hope of heaven, no reality of hell... without salvation from the evils of the world or the just judgment of almighty God... you are simply forever gone; but that's what he said he believes.

I am sure he has learned to think much of what he thinks by many influences like TV shows and documentary programs... songs on the radio, movies, and schoolbooks through the years... not to mention the fact that by nature we are sinners on top of it all. So much of media is often atheistic and anti God. There are however good influences.. like catechisms and Bible techers, men of God who preach the word of God.

Yet, I am intrigued that one who does not believe in God or Jesus would use Jesus Christ as a swearword. It's rather ironic. Personally, I think it's God's way of making himself really obvious.
It made me think of the battle there is, a battle that rages for the hearts, minds and souls of men.

Do you think there is such a thing as good and evil? I asked.

In response, he told me he thought "evil" was winning.

Yeah, if you watch the news, read the paper, think of your own life, it seems like Evil is winning. But, I had news for him. Good news.
It is finished.
God has declared the victory over evil, sin and even death.
You see,
God wins in the end... and we can be sure of that because, there are witrnesses who give their testimony about the reality of God and the life and death and resurrection of the one he sent into the world to save the people from their sins...
Jesus Christ.

After all, Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. (Acts 17:3)


  1. skeetersgirl said...

    I think your friend does believe, and is trying hard not to. He BELIEVES, trust me, he is just trying to reconsile God and his lifestyle and they don't mix. Hypocrisy makes everyone mad, it is just an excuse to rationalize behavior. Just because some ppl murder, does not mean all ppl do, the same why not all Christians are hypocrites. the best thing to do for your friend, is to pray earnestly that our mighty and powerful Lord Jesus will "cast down the arguments and pretensions that have set themselves up against the (truth)knowledge of God in his life." This is a battle only the Holy Spirit and prayer will win, talking is wasted.
    June 18, 2009 2:22 PM
