Life's waters can be turbulent, cold one minute, hot and bubbly the next, feeling will be up and down, and sometimes in the turmoil of things, you might even feel like you need something to depend on. Truth is, you need God. He is dependable, trustworthy and true, solid as a rock. Truth is, you need God always. This is because everything but God, (who is the same yesterday today and forever,) is constantly changing, unstable. God is a very present help in time of need.
It is in turbulent times that people seek a refuge, a shelter from the storm, something they can hold on to and trust in... and they find it, not in themselves, but in the Lord and in his promises. But with clone-like churches being all about loud music, large crowds and pleasing humanity....(see the video at the link featured above) churches are being turned into ponds... only suitable for... those little green amphibious creatures that like lukewarm water.... frogs.
Ideally, people go to church to learn more about Gods promises and his Word. Ideally, they are likened unto sheep that know their shepherd cares for them, feeds them, waters them.... gets rid of the nasty parasitic bugs. Their shepherd would tell them about following Jesus, the Good Shepherd of us all, and lo, though the sheep may walk through the valley of the shadow of death... they fear no evil... for Jesus, the Good Shepherd goes before them, and is always with them.
Church pastors teach the word, preach the word and feed the sheep. They tend the flock with loving care and compassion. Well, that is what they are supposed to do.... and supposed to be doing, but sometimes, (and you do not always notice this,) sometimes pastors, instead of being shepherds of God's precious sheep, think themselves to be big shots. Some become masters at telling sheep what to do and not do and instead of implementing stability, they are always implementing "change." Sometimes these big shot ranchers look at all the helpless, "stupid" sheep and see nothing but "GREEN."
It's weird for the sheep. One minute they are out to pasture and the next....
The grass is soggy... not as tasty as it used to be. The living water of God's word gets murky. Instead of chapter and verse, they listen tp someone else own life's experiences, over and over and over.... and the voice elaborates at length about things you never thought you'd hear in a holy place called "church." Pews become chairs, pulpits become stages, teachers turn into DVD machines, and Bibles turn into workbooks. Even the pastor gets morphed into something else. They call him the "leader" and everyone reads his published books instead of God's Word.
Sometimes to keep the sheep afloat as they speak to the audience, the leader will give a verse or two from the scriptures, usually from a newly created rendition of the Bible that has been printed solely for-profit's sake. Quoting from books like this encourages Christians to remain in the pond longer while those with itchy ears visit the local Christian "supply" store to buy the writings of many books.. Other-times, the Bible is ousted completely and no longer the center of wisdom at church .. the pastor/leader is.... and before long what used to be known as church has all the amenities of a wonderful green pond.
Pizza, coffee. and even beer is consumed in mass quantities as people gather together and call it "church;" but they are not gathered together to hear the preaching of God's word. They are their for what they eat. They are there for friends and fun and food. They are there because they like the loud music and feel like they belong.
"Sheep are stupid" you'll hear the leaders teach and say.
(They falsely think that stupidity is why the Good Shepherd likened His people to sheep.)
The next thing you know, the "stupid" sheep... shrink into frogs. It's a sea of vivid green... like an Emerald City in the land of OZ. If you know anything at all in the pond you had better be looking green. Dress right, talk right, act right..... be green. Give green, spend green, get the frogs.
There are no question and answer sessions. Leaders are leaders, though some presfer to be known as ranchers.... and your job is to follow the rancher's commands. You'll need to need to find something to contribute to it all, tithe and work in support of your pond like a good little green froggie should do. You are also to invite other people to come hear your leaders croak and check out the good food, bookstore and great entertainment that is happening in your neck of the woods.
(They falsely think that stupidity is why the Good Shepherd likened His people to sheep.)
The next thing you know, the "stupid" sheep... shrink into frogs. It's a sea of vivid green... like an Emerald City in the land of OZ. If you know anything at all in the pond you had better be looking green. Dress right, talk right, act right..... be green. Give green, spend green, get the frogs.
There are no question and answer sessions. Leaders are leaders, though some presfer to be known as ranchers.... and your job is to follow the rancher's commands. You'll need to need to find something to contribute to it all, tithe and work in support of your pond like a good little green froggie should do. You are also to invite other people to come hear your leaders croak and check out the good food, bookstore and great entertainment that is happening in your neck of the woods.
Before long, if you are a sheep you are up to your knees in murk, amazed and aghast at how strange it all feels to swim, or even tread water... instead of leap and hop.. Then you notice something happening.... over and over... people you know and love, one by one.... mysteriously disappear.
" Where did he go?" " What happened to her?" "Have you seen, you know who? " And things go on as usual... changing... as if it is no big deal.
" Where did he go?" " What happened to her?" "Have you seen, you know who? " And things go on as usual... changing... as if it is no big deal.
Contrary to what these frog ranchers let on to, Christian church and doctrine is not in the process of metamorphic change. Unbeknownst to then, sheep are gentle and curious. They follow the feeder.... the shepherd, and eat grass; green grass... not bugs that flourish in pond water. Sheep are not frogs, and God never intended his people to be manhandled by ranchers, by or driven unmercifully by those who declare themselves to be masters of change.
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